Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Weirdness: Big F*ckin Skull

Today's weirdness is a gem from my formative punk past, Eau Claire, Wisconsin's Big F*uckin Skull.

Ok, so I admit, they're less weird and more obscure, but as a brand-new, fresh-faced college kid, this was the first live band that taught me to appreciate over the top showmanship, enthusiasm, and general mayhem. Their lyrics were offensive, sound repetitive, and their schtick derivative at best, but they played their hearts out, and people packed Nate's Dungeon, the DIY venue. It was all about the attitude, which Big F*ckin Skull had in spades. And I loved it.

A (semi-obnoxious) sampler of their first recording, Six Skulls Against the World--my favorites, "Skulls That Ride City Buses" and "Four Skulls and Seven Ears Ago," begin at 2:04 and 5:00, respectively; and the scream-along anthem that best sums their appeal (and qualifies as the theme song for my first year of college), "I found a Skull (and It Ain't My Skull)" at 8:10:

A live recording, a year or three before I first saw them:

To my delight, they are still around, (of course, because you cannot kill what cannot be killed) though now fighting the good fight from Minneapolis, MN--"Tin Skull Soldier" and "Thickskull Himself" highly encouraged.

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